Sleeping Position: The Right Posture & Why It’s Important
Sometimes people come for massages because they do not sleep well at night. do you know that your sleeping position affects sleeping quality? Let’s find out all these sleep postures today.
The Importance Of Correct Sleeping Position
There are two concepts to follow. First, there is special physiological curvature in the human spine. for instance, cervical curvature and lumbar curvature. Besides that, to prevent repetitive compression injuries, the human muscles, tissues, and bones should get rid of from a long period of time during an incorrect posture under normal circumstances.
Healthy sleeping positions should maintain the normal physiological curvature of the spine. This ensures that the muscles of the whole body are naturally relaxed. Otherwise, we sleep 8 hours a day for years, which can cause spinal lesions or acute damage, or physical discomfort, such as a stiff neck.
What Is The Best Posture For Sleep?
There are two sleeping postures recommended.
Back Sleeping
For most people, the most recommended sleeping position is lying on your back. under this position, the muscles of the back and neck are the most relaxed; it falls asleep much easier. Sleeping on your back makes it easier for your head, neck, and spine to align and keep it in a neutral position. No extra pressure or curves are being forced on your muscles and bones.
Some people like to sleep on the back but put arms above the head. This position is good for your back, lifting arms up helps digestion and makes digested substances less likely coming up. The only disadvantage is placing arms up adds pressure on the nerves of the shoulder that can lead to pain.
In addition, we believe that it is better to straighten the legs when sleeping. However, stretching the legs may cause a certain degree of straightening of muscles and other tissues. Alternatively, the right way to sleep is to put a pillow under your legs to maintain a certain curvature.
Side Sleeping
Side sleeping is recommended for people who snore or suffer from low back pain but not for everyone. When sleeping sideways, the head is slightly backward from the shoulders, and the knees are slightly taken to maintain the natural relaxation of the muscles. This position elongates the spine and nasal passages, it also relieves pressure on your nose.
Just as mentioned above, it’s not good for everyone. For example, side sleeping on your right side can worsen heartburn. Sleeping on the left side can put a slight strain on internal organs like the liver, lungs, and stomach. Pregnant women should sleep on their left side to optimize blood flow.
Sleeping Postures Not Recommended
There are also two postures not good for sleeping. Let’s look at them one by one.
Fetal Sleeping Position
When you sleep this way, you will lift your knees near your chest. This position will be safe for some people, like a newborn baby. However, if you still have a distorted posture after falling asleep, it can lead to your body pain, especially your neck, back, and arm will feel sore when you wake up. some specialists also believe it can cause wrinkles and sagging breasts. If you do need this posture to fall asleep, then putting your knees slightly bent is much preferred.
Stomach Sleeping
The stomach Sleeping Position is the worst sleeping position. This sleeping posture is Not conducive to breathing. Furthermore, the joints, muscles, and internal organs will be oppressed. The stomach sleeping doesn’t support the natural curve of your spine, so it can lead to overarching and back pain. and your neck is obviously biased to one side for easy grasping. Stomach sleeping should be particularly avoided for anyone suffering from neck or lower back pain.