Maternity Massage: How It Helps Pregnant Woman

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Maternity Massage: How It Helps Pregnant Woman

March 1, 2022 Massage 0

A woman may suffer many different symptoms during pregnancy. These symptoms may include fatigue, backache, or muscular convulsions. Is there any way to help pregnant women to reduce these conditions? The answer is certain. Maternity Massage is very helpful. At this moment, let us introduce this massage technique and its benefits and risks.

What Is Maternity Massage?

Maternity Massage sometimes referred to as Prenatal massage, is a bodywork technique used specifically for pregnant women. This mainly is designed to reduce or relieve the pains and aches during pregnancy.

In order to ensure the safety of mother and fetus during the massage, the pregnant woman’s body needs reliable and comfortable support. On the other hand, the massage force is softer than usual. Also, if a pregnant woman is experiencing morning sickness, a massage therapist may avoid some techniques and tailor a massage plan to the physical condition.

During massage, pregnant women usually lie on their side instead of their back. Simply because lying on your back puts more force on your abdomen and restricts blood flow. This is especially important especially after entering the second trimester.

The Benefits Of Prenatal Massage

For pregnant women, there are some changes in the body as the baby grows. Pregnant women suffer from pain due to compression of joints and muscles. At the same time, the growing uterus also puts pressure on the veins in the legs, increasing the accumulation of fluid in the legs and ankles. In addition, physical discomfort and anxiety can also become a burden for pregnant women.

At this moment, pregnancy massage can relieve some physical symptoms without the help of medicine.

  • Prenatal massage can relieve pain.
  • Maternity Massage can reduce swelling and edma
  • A good massage improves better sleep.

When Should I Take Pregnancy Massage?

Since the overall risk of miscarriage occurs in the first trimester, it is generally recommended that pregnancy massage begin in the second trimester. If you still have doubts about maternity massage, you can consult your family doctor first.

A qualified masseuse will know how to position your pregnant body and massage safely and comfortably. When you decide to have a maternity massage, make sure to communicate effectively with your massage therapist. You may also fill out an intake form, including basic information about your health, medications, allergies, etc.

Wrapping Up

Pregnancy Massage is typically for pregant women only. While this massage service is only for a small group of people, the professionalism of massage therapist is much important. In addition, pregnant women should also understand that for the safety of the fetus, it is more recommended to receive massage from the second trimester. This type of massage functions more on reducing the pain, relieve the swelling and improve the sleep quality.

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